Husband-Man - कजै / घौरवोल - (Example)My husband takes away time from his work for me.(Garhwali) म्यार आद...
Wife-Woman - कज्याणी / घौरवाली - (Example)Ram's wife do all work of home and outside.(Garhwali) राम क घरव...
Step-Father - कठ बुबा - (Example) Pankaj is ram's step father.(Garhwali) पंकज राम क सौतेल बाप च। (Hindi) ...
Uncle - चच्चा / काका - (English) I wanted go with Uncle this morning. (Garhwali) मी आज सुबेर चिचा क दगड़...
Aunt - चच्चा / काका - (English) It seems her aunt is a come again. (Garhwali) यन लगण च कि वींक चच्ची फिर ...
Boy - छवारा - (Example)These are new generation boys.(Garhwali) यी नइ पीढ़ी क छवारा छन। (Hindi) ये नई पीढ़...
Girl -छोरि - (Example) Their girls behave so well.(Garhwali) ऊँकछोरि क भोत अछू व्यवहार च। (Hindi) उनकी लड...
Son-in-Law - जंवै / जमै - (Example) My son in law works in foreign.(Garhwali) म्यार जवँई विदेश मा काम कर...
Sister-in-Law - जिठाण - (Example) My sister in law's very sensible lady. (Garhwali) मेरी जठणी भोत समझदार ...
Brother-in-Law - जिठ्ठाजि - (Example) My brother in law lived in big city. (Garhwali)म्यार जठ्या जी बड़ शह...
Brother-in-Law - जीजा / भ्येणा - (English) Your brother-in-law is very busy person. (Garhwali) आपक जीजा भ...
Elder Aunt - जेठी ब्वे - (English) My elder aunt never said out loud for us. (Garhwali) मेरी बड़ी मौसी कबी...
Elder Brother-in-Law - जेठ्ठु - (English) His elder brother-in-law started the cab service. (Garhwali) व...
Elder Sister-in-Law - जेठ्सासु - (English) Ram's elder sister in law selected for police. (Garhwali) राम ...
Great-Grand Son-Daughter - झड़नाति / झड़नातिण - (Example) Great grand son is coming soon.(Garhwali) म्यार...
Elder Uncle - ताऊजी - (English) I wrote letter to elder Uncle for a job. (Garhwali) मीन नौकरी कुन बड़ मौसा...
Friend - दगड्या - (Example) My friend is very helpful person.(Garhwali) दगड़्या भोत उपयोगी आदीम च। (Hindi...
Grandfather - दद्दा -(My grandfather is getting old and can't hear very well.)(Garhwali) म्यार दद्दा जी ब...
Grandmother - दद्दी - (English) She spends time with her grandmother every Sunday. (Garhwali)- वा हर रविव...
Elder Brother - बड़ा भाई - (English) She wept because her elder brother teased her very much. (Garhwali)...
Elder Sister - बड़ी बहन - (English) I am going back to my elder sister today. (Garhwali) मी आज अपरी बड़ी ब...
Brother-in-Law - द्यूर - (Example) My brother in law works in multinational company. (Garhwali) म्यार दीउ...
Sister-in-Law - द्यूराण - (Example) Sister in law do prayer every day. (Garhwali) मेरी दीउरणी हर रोज प्रा...
Sister-in-Law - नणद - (Example) My sister in law was a friend of my sister. (Garhwali) मेरी नण्द मेरी बैण...
The definition of a grandfather is the parent of either your mother or your father. An example of a grand...
My grandfather is getting old and can't hear very well.My grandfather is getting old and can't hear very ...
Grand Son/Daughter - नातण - (Example) My grandchild live in dellhi. (Garhwali) म्यार आदीम दिल्ली राँद। (H...
Children - नॉन-बाल - (Example) In our family children are very naughty. (Garhwali) हमर परिवार मा बच्चा भो...
Son - नोन / नोनु - (English) Her son was missing. (Garhwali) वैक नौन खो ग्याइ छ्याइ। (Hindi) उसका पुत्र ...
Daughter - नोनि - (English) My daughter is coming for me to take me there. (Garhwali) मेरी बेटी मितई वक ल...
Great Grandfather - बुढ्ढ दद्दा - (English) My great grandfather had a gun. (Garhwali)- म्यार परदद्दा म ब...
Great Grandmother - बुढ्ढ दद्दी - (English) My great grandmother was good in preparing food. (Garhwali)- ...
Great-Grandfather: My father had a business, which was passed down from my grandfather and great-grandfat...
Grand mother - (Garhwali )मेरी परननी हमेशा मेरी माँ क तरफदारी करदी छै । (English) The mother of your gran...
Father - बुबाजि / बाबाजि - (English) My father works in the field, and I take care of the sheep. (Garhwal...
Uncle - बोडा - (Example) His uncle is a good teacher. (Garhwali) वैक बाड़ा एक अछि मास्टर छन। (Hindi) उसके ...
Aunt - बोडि - (Example) Aunt gave me a clothes. (Garhwali) मेरी बड़िन मीतइ कपड़ा दीन। (Hindi) मेरी ताई जी न...
Sister-in-Law - बौ / बौजी - (Example) Sister in law were teaching in school before marraige.(Garhwali) मे...
Daughter-in-Law - ब्वारी - (Example) Daughter in law comes from good family.(Garhwali) ब्वारी अछू परिवार...
Mother - ब्वै - (English) Mother will buy me lovely new dress to take to marriage. (Garhwali)- मेरी मा जी...
Niece - भण्जी - (Example) His niece is now completed 1 year. (Garhwali) वैक भणजी अब एक सालूक ह्वे ग्याइ। ...
Nephew - भण्जू - (Example) His nephew is very Talented. (Garhwali) वैक भणजू भोत अक्लमंद च। (Hindi) उसका भ...
Nephew - भतिज - (Example) My nephew got first rank in class. (Garhwali) म्यार भतीजू क्लास मा फस्ट आइ च। (...
Niece - भतिजी - (Example) Now My niece can walk and run. (Garhwali) अब म्यार भतीजी चल और दौड़ सकदी च। (Hi...
Younger Brother - भुल्ला - (English) It good when you have a younger brother. (Garhwali) जब तुमुम एक छुट ...
Brother-in-Law - भुल्ला - (Example) Brother in law never comes in our home. (Garhwali) नन्दोइ जी हमर घर क...
Younger Sister - छोटी बहन - (English) Her younger sister married soon (Garhwali) वींक छुटी भुली न जल्दी ब...
Uncle - ममा - (English) Uncle sent me many stories. (Garhwali) मुमा न मीकुन भोत सरी कहानी भ्याजी । (Hindi...
Aunt - मामी - (English) Aunt came back to village that weekend. (Garhwali) ममी वे हफ्ता क आखीर मा गाँव ...
Younger Uncle - मोसा - (English) Younger uncle take me for fair. (Garhwali) छुट मौसा जी मितइ म्याला मा लि...
Younger Aunt - मोसी / काण्सी ब्वे - (English) Shyam's younger aunt always speaking good things. (Garhwali...
Step-Mother - मौस्याण ब्वै - (Example) Ramesh brought his stepmother in school.(Garhwali) रमेश अपरी सौतेल...
Younger Sister-in-Law - छोटी साली - (English) My younger sister in law make very delicious food. (Garhwal...
Younger Brother-in-Law - स्याळु - (English) My younger brother in law studding in school. (Garhwali) म्या...
Husband-Man - कजै / घौरवोल - (Example)My husband takes away time from his work for me.(Garhwali) म्यार आद...
Wife-Woman - कज्याणी / घौरवाली - (Example)Ram's wife do all work of home and outside.(Garhwali) राम क घरव...
Uncle - चच्चा / काका - (English) I wanted go with Uncle this morning. (Garhwali) मी आज सुबेर चिचा क दगड़...
Aunt - चच्चा / काका - (English) It seems her aunt is a come again. (Garhwali) यन लगण च कि वींक चच्ची फिर ...
Son-in-Law - जंवै / जमै - (Example) My son in law works in foreign.(Garhwali) म्यार जवँई विदेश मा काम कर...
Brother-in-Law - जीजा / भ्येणा - (English) Your brother-in-law is very busy person. (Garhwali) आपक जीजा भ...
Great-Grand Son-Daughter - झड़नाति / झड़नातिण - (Example) Great grand son is coming soon.(Garhwali) म्यार...
Elder Brother - बड़ा भाई - (English) She wept because her elder brother teased her very much. (Garhwali)...
Son - नोन / नोनु - (English) Her son was missing. (Garhwali) वैक नौन खो ग्याइ छ्याइ। (Hindi) उसका पुत्र ...
Great Grandfather - बुढ्ढ दद्दा - (English) My great grandfather had a gun. (Garhwali)- म्यार परदद्दा म ब...
Great Grandmother - बुढ्ढ दद्दी - (English) My great grandmother was good in preparing food. (Garhwali)- ...
Father - बुबाजि / बाबाजि - (English) My father works in the field, and I take care of the sheep. (Garhwal...
Younger Aunt - मोसी / काण्सी ब्वे - (English) Shyam's younger aunt always speaking good things. (Garhwali...
Step-Mother - मौस्याण ब्वै - (Example) Ramesh brought his stepmother in school.(Garhwali) रमेश अपरी सौतेल...