Garhwali Word:
दिदा / दादा / भैजि
Garhwali Example:
वा खूब रवाइ च क्योक कि वींक बड़ भुला न वींतइ खूब चिड़ाइ ।
Bada Bhai
Hindi Meaning:
बड़ा भाई
Hindi Example:
वह रोई क्योंकि उसके बड़े भाई ने उसे बहुत चिढ़ाया।
English Meaning:
Elder Brother
English Example:
She wept because her elder brother teased her very much.
Younger Sister - छोटी बहन - (English) Her younger sister married soon (Garhwali) वींक छुटी भुली न जल...
Brother-in-Law - द्यूर - (Example) My brother in law works in multinational company. (Garhwali) म्या...
Grand mother - (Garhwali )मेरी परननी हमेशा मेरी माँ क तरफदारी करदी छै । (English) The mother of your...
Sister-in-Law - बौ / बौजी - (Example) Sister in law were teaching in school before marraige.(Garhwal...
Girl -छोरि - (Example) Their girls behave so well.(Garhwali) ऊँकछोरि क भोत अछू व्यवहार च। (Hindi) उन...
Younger Sister - छोटी बहन - (English) Her younger sister married soon (Garhwali) वींक छुटी भुली न जल...
Brother-in-Law - द्यूर - (Example) My brother in law works in multinational company. (Garhwali) म्या...
Grand mother - (Garhwali )मेरी परननी हमेशा मेरी माँ क तरफदारी करदी छै । (English) The mother of your...
Sister-in-Law - बौ / बौजी - (Example) Sister in law were teaching in school before marraige.(Garhwal...
Girl -छोरि - (Example) Their girls behave so well.(Garhwali) ऊँकछोरि क भोत अछू व्यवहार च। (Hindi) उन...
Younger Sister - छोटी बहन - (English) Her younger sister married soon (Garhwali) वींक छुटी भुली न जल...
Brother-in-Law - द्यूर - (Example) My brother in law works in multinational company. (Garhwali) म्या...
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