Garhwali Word:
जंवै / जमै
Garhwali Example:
म्यार जवँई विदेश मा काम करदू ।
Hindi Meaning:
जवाईं / दामाद
Hindi Example:
मेरे दामाद विदेश में काम करता है।
English Meaning:
English Example:
My son in law works in foreign.
Elder Brother - बड़ा भाई - (English) She wept because her elder brother teased her very much. (Garh...
The definition of a grandfather is the parent of either your mother or your father. An example of a ...
Elder Sister-in-Law - जेठ्सासु - (English) Ram's elder sister in law selected for police. (Garhwali)...
Girl -छोरि - (Example) Their girls behave so well.(Garhwali) ऊँकछोरि क भोत अछू व्यवहार च। (Hindi) उन...
Great-Grandfather: My father had a business, which was passed down from my grandfather and great-gra...