Garhwali Word:
Garhwali Example:
मीन नौकरी कुन बड़ मौसा जी कुन चिठी ल्याखी ।
Bade Mausa
Hindi Meaning:
बड़े मौसा
Hindi Example:
मेने नौकरी के लिए बड़े मौसा जी को पत्र लिखा ।
English Meaning:
Elder Uncle
English Example:
I wrote letter to elder Uncle for a job.
Grandmother - दद्दी - (English) She spends time with her grandmother every Sunday. (Garhwali)- वा हर...
Great Grandfather - बुढ्ढ दद्दा - (English) My great grandfather had a gun. (Garhwali)- म्यार परदद्द...
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Great Grandmother - बुढ्ढ दद्दी - (English) My great grandmother was good in preparing food. (Garhwa...