Garhwali Word:
मोसी / काण्सी ब्वे
Garhwali Example:
श्याम क छुटी मौसी हमेशा भोत अछी बात बुल्दी ।
Chhoti Mausee
Hindi Meaning:
छोटी मौसी
Hindi Example:
श्याम की छोटी मौसी हमेशा अच्छी बाते बोलती है ।
English Meaning:
Younger Aunt
English Example:
Shyam's younger aunt always speaking good things.
Son - नोन / नोनु - (English) Her son was missing. (Garhwali) वैक नौन खो ग्याइ छ्याइ। (Hindi) उसका पु...
Uncle - ममा - (English) Uncle sent me many stories. (Garhwali) मुमा न मीकुन भोत सरी कहानी भ्याजी । (...
Younger Brother - भुल्ला - (English) It good when you have a younger brother. (Garhwali) जब तुमुम एक...
Step-Father - कठ बुबा - (Example) Pankaj is ram's step father.(Garhwali) पंकज राम क सौतेल बाप च। (Hi...
Wife-Woman - कज्याणी / घौरवाली - (Example)Ram's wife do all work of home and outside.(Garhwali) राम ...