Garhwali Word:
बुढ्ढ ननि
Garhwali Example:
मेरी परननी हमेशा मेरी माँ क तरफदारी करदी छै ।
Hindi Meaning:
Hindi Example:
मेरी परनानी हमेशा मेरी मां का समर्थन करती थीं।
English Meaning:
Great Grandmother
English Example:
My great grandmother was always support my mother.
Garhwali Word:
बुढ्ढ दद्दी
Garhwali Example:
मेरी परदद्दी भोत बढिया खाणूक बणादी छ्याइ ।
Par Daadi
Hindi Meaning:
Hindi Example:
मेरी परदादी बहुत अच्छा भोजन बनाती थी.
English Meaning:
Great Grandmother
English Example:
My great grandmother was good in preparing food
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