Garhwali Word:
नोन / नोनु
Garhwali Example:
वैक नौन खो ग्याइ छ्याइ ।
Hindi Meaning:
Hindi Example:
उसका पुत्र खो गया था.
English Meaning:
English Example:
Her son was missing.
The definition of a grandfather is the parent of either your mother or your father. An example of a ...
Boy - छवारा - (Example)These are new generation boys.(Garhwali) यी नइ पीढ़ी क छवारा छन। (Hindi) ये नई...
Friend - दगड्या - (Example) My friend is very helpful person.(Garhwali) दगड़्या भोत उपयोगी आदीम च। (...
Sister-in-Law - बौ / बौजी - (Example) Sister in law were teaching in school before marraige.(Garhwal...
My grandfather is getting old and can't hear very well.My grandfather is getting old and can't hear ...