Android SqliteDatabase

Hey, Developers! In this tutorial we will learn how to use SQLiteDatabase in any android application. Do you know that? Sqlite is installed bydefault in all android phones.

The SQLite Database for Android requires very little memory (around 250 kb), available on all Android devices. Each device has a built-in SQLite database support that is automatically managed on android right from its creation, execution to process query.

SQLite is an open source database that can be accessed from any android database. It supports standard database relationship features such as SQL syntax, transactions & statements from SQL. SQLite is the lighter version of the SQL database, where most SQL commands are not running on the SQLite database. 

Once SQLite is in place, ensuring a feature or command is available in SQLite is important only then can it be executed.

SQLite's fundamental advantages:

  • It’s a light weight database.
  • Requires very little memory.
  • An Automatically managed database.


Only 3 data types are supported by SQLite:

  • Text(like string) – for storing data type store.
  • Integer(like int) – for storing integer primary key.
  • Real(like double)- for storing long values.


Basically, SQLite does not validate data types on its own. In other words, whatever data types are used, they are called valid.